Cottesloe Recreation Precinct Master Plan

Dear CRUFC Members,
As you may be aware, the “Cottesloe Recreation Precinct” which includes CRUFC Club house and playing fields, AFL Junior and Senior Clubs and Golf Course area, is currently being Master-Planned. The purpose of the Master Planning process is to examine the needs and growth in terms of the following facets: key stakeholders , transportation solutions, sustainability and energy use, athletics and recreation, outdoor and green space, deferred maintenance, historic preservation and financial sustainability. In essence, it is a process to enhance existing community sporting facilities in response to the future evolution of the Cottesloe community.

In September 2017,  Club President John Cameron and Life member Bob Reinecke, met with a consultant appointed by the Cottesloe Council. This consultant was tasked with obtaining a “brief” from the Club for the purpose of master planning. On the 14th of May a 200 page draft “Master Plan” document was sent to Key Stakeholders with a recommendation to have the plan endorsed at a council meeting on the 22nd May (tonight). Junior President, Michael Gallagher, will be representing CRUFC’s interests at this meeting. Details of the Master Plan can be found at the following link.


It is our opinion that this master plan proposal, in its current form, does not reflect the discussions that took place in the initial briefing session, nor has due process been followed. At our initial briefing session, representations were made that CRUFC members would have the opportunity to provide feedback on any master plan before being forwarded to the council for  endorsement. This has not occurred. John Cameron (Senior President), Sam Diamond (Vice President) and Michael Gallagher (Junior President) have met with the Cottesloe CEO and CRUFC Life Members have been in discussion with the Cottesloe Mayor (Phil Angers) to voice concerns regarding the outrageous breadth of scope of the project. 

They have also aired their concern over the disregard for due process and the short time frame allowed for the club to obtain feedback from the general membership of the club via an EGM.
With limited time to consult our membership base - at this stage CRUFC main goals are

  • Retain current premises (Maintain identity, bar, cash flow)
  • Retain at least 2 playing fields
  • Future proofing facilities for the next 20-50 years, (Juniors, Ladies, Seniors)  Change room (Ladies facilities) & Function room upgrades / future expansion , Spectator amenity, field lighting and facilities that conform with Australian standards

The purpose of this message is four fold:

  • To align CRUFC Members on initial goals
  • Provide comfort that the Committee and Life Members are heavily involved and working in the background
  • To update CRUFC members in light of recent media articles
  • Obtain volunteer support via a master plan committee to assist in club engagement and scoping of the project.

We have also been communicating with the other sporting clubs, in particular the Golf Club and Junior Aussie Rules Club. These clubs are aligned with us in that a proper and thorough consultation process has not been conducted and all three clubs are in concurrence on this issue. These clubs have acknowledged that Cottesloe Rugby Club should be entitled to retain its current location. For their part they are looking for their particular facilities to be improved.
JC & Galls